Daily Archives: July 26, 2013

A Dream

The smell of fresh pine and dirt, I take in deep breaths my body slowly spinning and all I can see is the green light shining through the tree tops.l Where I am or how I got there I give no mind all I can thinking of is the calm serenity of this forest. It’s not muggy or too hot, the soft breezes that dance through the trees keep me cool. There isn’t any stress, loud voices, just the sound of my satisfied sighs.  An yet there’s something else but it’s hushed under the sounds of nature. It’s almost like words but they’re so distant I can’t quite make out what the voice is saying.

The next thing I know I am running through the trees my feet pounding against the dirt, I feel the branches of shrubs hit my skin as I run by but they don’t hurt. I keep expecting my chest to burn and tiredness to set in, though I feel a small strain in my lungs it’s not uncomfortable in fact it make me force my body to go faster, a small laugh rings in my ears and at first I was unaware it was me that was laughing. To feel so much joy from doing something so trivial; still I ran I didn’t know where I was going this was a first visit for me but my body seemed to know where to go like I was being pulled into a specific direction.

I soon cleared the trees and before me was a cliff, slowly I walked up to the edge looking down and below laid a wide river the bluest water I’ve ever seen up close. Again I felt the breeze only it had chanced from it’s soft texture to something stronger and it carried the smell of the river almost  like the forest after the rain. I took a few steps back before jumping off the cliff. I felt no fear as I fell from the cliff just the wind whipping my hair against my face as I watched myself get closer to the water’s surface. As my body hit the waves making the water rippling I woke up not abruptly as if you had suddenly fallen but slowly like waking our of a peaceful slumber. A dream without any fear just contentment  that is a dream I wouldn’t mind having again too bad life wasn’t like that.