Weekly Wednesday

So today is Wednesday and we are halfway through the work week! I’m super excited to do a first impression friday because that means I get to buy something haha every girl’s dream. Hopefully over this coming weekend I will be doing the Best friend Tag and Gay Best Friend does my make up challenge which will be posted on upcoming fridays.

As everyone knows the powerball is up to 1.5 billion dollars! That is crazy though I do have to admit I did buy one, just one! Haha. It’s a very life changing amount even after taxes.

If I won I would give money monthly to my uncle and aunt so they can finally retire. I would buy my mom and stepdad a new house and offer them money so they too could retire. I’d absolutely have a house built for me. Big enough incase any of my friends needed a place to live.

I would want to spend a year in England and a month in Japan to just relax for once. I would make sure to have college trust funds for my nieces, nephews, and my little brother. I would pay for my own college. Depending on how much is left I would save 3 million to live off  the interest. Then I would make some charity donations. Maybe even get a hospital wing named after my dad.

Life would absolutely be different then comment on what you would do with 1.5 billion if you won I’m curious on what you would do.

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