2o Questions Tag

1.Thing you cannot leave the house without?

I’d have to say my phone just because I use it for just about everything. Need to read a book? Phone. Want to listen to music? Phone. Looking to waste time on social media? Yep, phone.

2.Favorite brand of makeup?

For most things I really like Rimmel however if I am splurging then hands down MAC especially their lipsticks. So many colors so little time.
3.Favorite Flowers?

I really love midnight purple carnations.

4.Fav clothing stores?

Eh, as much as I love clothes and shopping I don’t really pick anyone store because you can find the prettiest of things in the weirdest places.
5.Fav perfume?

I would have to say my favorite perfume is Folie de Jolie it’s so light and airy.

6.Heels or flats?

Flats, though I do have a few beloved pair of heels flats will always be my go to.

7.Do you make good grades?

I am what most people call a Filthy Try Hard. I will always strive to overachieve.

8.Fav colors?

My favorite color is Purple but I also love cool toned colors.

9.Do you drink energy drinks?

If the need arises I do but it’s not often.

10.Do you drink juice?

Oh yes especially orange juice.

11.Do you like swimming?

I love swimming if I could spend my life in the water I probably would.

12.Do you eat fries with a fork?

No that seems really weird.

13.What’s your fav moisturizer?

I really enjoy Olay moisturizers.

14.Do you want to get married later on in life?

I would like to but I am a type of person that is more about the marriage than the wedding. Not saying I wouldn’t plan the shit out of it but in the end I know the wedding isn’t what’s most important.

15.Do you get mad easily?

Some days I do but mostly I don’t. You can’t really think logically when you are angry.

16.Are you into ghost hunting?

I live for that type of stuff.

17.Any phobias?

Clowns, spiders, heights, and I have this irrational fear that anytime I have to cut something I’m going to cut my fingers off. Weird I know O.o

18.Do you bite your nails?

I used to do it alot when I was younger and when I was in high school but thankfully I’ve stopped.

19.Have you ever had a near death experience?

Kinda? I’ve almost died twice medically and i’ve been the passenger of 8 almost car wrecks. My friends joke that I am meant for Final Destination.

20.Do you drink coffee?

Yesssssssss, I like it iced in the summer and piping hot in the winter. Mmm mm good.


Thank you if you read this blog I will comment a clean copy below and if you do it comment and let me know. I got this questionaire off of the lovely Chloe P. here is her blog (https://cp803.wordpress.com)  lovely girl you should check her out too! Byeeeeeee.

One response to “2o Questions Tag

  • Violet Jewel

    1.Thing you cannot leave the house without?
    2.Favorite brand of makeup?
    3.Favorite Flowers?
    4.Fav clothing stores?
    5.Fav perfume?
    6.Heels or flats?
    7.Do you make good grades?
    8.Fav colors?
    9.Do you drink energy drinks?
    10.Do you drink juice?
    11.Do you like swimming?
    12.Do you eat fries with a fork?
    13.Whats your fav moisturizer?
    14.Do you want to get married later on in life?
    15.Do you get mad easily?
    16.Are you into ghost hunting?
    17.Any phobias?
    18.Do you bite your nails?
    19.Have you ever had a near death experience?
    20.Do you drink coffee?

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